

Designed by: Zhang Fangyingnan   Group: iGEM14_SYSU-China   (2014-10-17)

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Applications of BBa_K1333108

Use of K1333108 in iGEM Bielefeld 2016s genome wide mutator BBa_K2082116 and BBa_K2082117

BBa_K1333108 Review 1 chain
dnaQ926 is part of our genome wide mutator BBa_K2082117, but we also used it as a standalone mutator in BBa_K2082116.


We characterized BBa_K1333108 as part of the genome wide mutators BBa_K2082116 and BBa_K2082117in E. coli Top10. We measured the performance in reversion assays and quantifiy the revertant frequency at two timepoints of a cultivation. The reversion frequencies f and the total cell count N enables us to calculate induced and basal mutation rate of BBa_K2082117 by using
As copy number we used 40 as determined in one of our high-throughput sequencing experiments.
Figure 1: Mutagensis rate of dnaQ926 (BBa_K2082116) and M6 (BBa_K2082117). The mutation rate of standalone dnaQ926 is (2.3±1.12)×10-6 bp-1×generation-1 induced and (6.67±4.09)×10-8 bp-1×generation-1 repressed. The mutation rate of M6 (assembly of six mutator genes amongst other dnaQ926) is (7.16±4.31)×10-6 bp-1×generation-1 induced and (2.51±3.18)×10-8 bp-1×generation-1 when repressed.
Furthermore, we determined precise dnaQ926 mutational spectrum via high-throughput sequencing.
Figure 2: Mutagenic spectrum of the genome wide mutators dnaQ926 (BBa_K2082116) and M6 (BBa_K2082117). Teh mutagenic spectrum was determined by distribution all oberserved mutations to the different mutations (reference base &arr; mutated base). The tables show the mutation distribution in percent. n is the number of counted mutation events.
Other important information for everyone using dnaQ926 are that expression of dnaQ926 decreases cell viability. Furthermore, even very low amounts of dnaQ926 create a strong mutator phenotype thus use of a very tightly controlled promoter is recommended. For this application iGEM Bielefeld 2016 used a modified PBAD, further repressed by addition of 20 mM glucose.

Application Protocol

  • Create competent cell of E. coli with arabinose expression genotype (e.g. araD139 Δ(ara-leu)7697).
  • For library generation
    • Transform mutator plasmid and plasmid with the gene of interest
    • Grow cells in LB mit appropiate anitbiotics
    • Induced mutagensis by addition of 20 mM arabinose upon reaching mid-log phase
    • Grow until saturation
  • Coupling with selection of improved proteins can be useful to screen more variants

Characterization protocols

  • Reversion assay
    • Transform reporter plasmid and pSB1C3::K2082117 into E. coli Top10
    • After regeneration inoculate prewarmed 10 mL LB with appropriate antibiotic and 20 mM glucose with 10 μL
    • Grow until OD600 ~0.3
    • Add 20 mM arabinose
    • Grow until saturation
    • Plate serial dilutions on LB agar plates with and without ampicillin
    • Determine total cell count and revertant count
    • Reversion frequency: number of Revertants/ number of viable cell count
  • NGS
    • Experimental setup as for reversion assays
    • Instead of plating isolate plasmids and use for Illumina MiSeq with the Illumina Nextera DNA Library Preparation Kit
    • Mapping of obtained read onto reference sequence, count coverage on non reference bases as number of mutations
    • Mutation rate: number of mutations/ number of sequenced bases
    • Divide mutations into groups based on refernce base and mutated base to obtain mutation spectrum
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